I've realized that I tend to blog a lot more when I'm:
1) Bored
2) Slacking Off
3) Procrastinating
4) I've read some interesting blogs lately
In today's case, it'd be #2 and 3. And 4.
There once was a time in my life when I really enjoyed blogging. I loved the rambling aspects of it, and knowing that maybe, maybe someone random would Google a random subject, and would randomly stumble upon my blog, and would randomly start reading it, and would be able to divulge in my daily rambles. Haha. Silly me.
I think I started blogging back in grade 7? I would blog daily, almost! It started off at Asian Avenue (Remember that site? I wonder if anyone still uses it... It's been so long! I feel old.) Then I moved to MSN Space, and then Xanga. I stayed on Xanga for quite a while, actually. Maybe 2 years? I loved blogging then :) After that, I moved to Yaplog, which was a Japanese blog site, where I primarily blogged in Japanese, sometimes English. To be honest, I think I enjoyed blogging there the most, because of the anonymity of it! And yea, random people would randomly comment on my random blog posts. :)
When people ask me, why did you want to become a CA? My answer:
Well, I originally wanted to be a doctor. So I'd go around, Googling for blogs written by Med school students. (They were usually really funny! My favourite is http://ahyesmedschool.blogspot.com/. He doesn't really update any more though :( ) And after clicking and clicking, I somehow ended up on a blog written my a female blogger, working at an unspecified Big 4 accounting firm, and really, I totally got enthralled by her lifestyle, and her ambition. It helped that she was a great writer too!
Yup, that's my reason. Totally unconventional and weird right, hehe. And yes, that's the answer I told my Big 4 interviewers.
I love blogs. <3
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