Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Hope We're Not Irreparable.

School's starting in a few weeks, and I'm kinda getting excited! :)
It's pretty cool, knowing that my classes are rather small this term:
  • 75 people in Intro to Professional Practice
  • 75 people in Intermediate Financial Accounting
  • 13 people in Organization Behaviour and Human Decision
Exciting! I hope there's a good amount of in-class discussion in those courses.  Prevents me from falling asleep...
Unfortunately, there's a billion people in my Organic Chem (360!) and Macro Econ (250!) though...  But oh well!  I can't afford to sleep / not pay attention in Organic Chem anyways.  I swear I'm gonna struggle so much in that course.  Oh, the horror stories...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mr.Tuition, Go Hide Somewhere!

I finally told my parents about my crazy tuition for next term last night.
(Yes, I've managed to not tell them...because I thought they'd freak out.)

As a first year student, my tuition for a term was around $3000 because I was still considered a science student.
Now, as a second year student, my tuition jumped to around $8000 a term...because now I'm considered as an accounting student.  Supposedly. 

I swear I had a heart attack when I found out about the tuition hike starting in second year. 

As for my parents...
When I finally told them, my mother:
  • Laughed at me
  • Made fun of me
  • Told me she'd teach me different ways to cook congee
  • Told me to buy potatoes. and eat them. Because they're dirt cheap.

So yea...My parents just laughed it off, while I have been fretting about this tuition business for the last few months... I mean, how am I supposed to afford 8K tuition + Rent + Food?!

I swear my parents love me and care about me...

I hope.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Infographic Resume

So I've been really into reading/looking at/staring into/ ooohhhhing and ahhhhhing at infographics (like this one) lately!  They're super colourful, yet very informative, which is really perfect for a person like me.  Yay for short attention spans! (SQUIRREL!) And yay for being easily amused! :)

This is what I stumbled on today:

It's a resume in the form of an infographic!  I thought this was such a great idea!  Too bad I'm not good with graphics or anything.  Haha.  But if there're people out there who is good with that, and is trying to apply for a job that demands a large amount of creativity, this would be so cool!    Plus, you can totally put in your personality into these infographics too.  Uber cool.

I wonder what would happen if someone submits this kind of resume to PD...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ten Years Down the Road, We'll be Alright

I took my younger sister, Yuka, out for sushi last night, because I promised her from a while ago.  She's 8 years younger than me, 2 heads shorter, and probably a billion times smarter than I was when I was her age.  We talked about her excitement for school to start, the mean girls in her class who only talks about being pretty (I KNOW! 10 years old, and "those" kind of girls already exist!  I thought they only started popping up at around 13-14 years old...), and her love for Justin Bieber.

It was a great sister bonding experience, needles to say.  I really do think she'll turn out to be a great person!  She had her snobby phase in grade 1, but really, who isn't snobby at age 7?

Sometimes, I really resent the age gap.

I want to talk to her about our problems, our goals, our aspirations.  I want to share clothes with her, do each other's hair and make up.  I want to giggle the night away talking about boys and stuff like that.  The stuff you see on TV between two sisters.  But she's 8 years younger.  I can't bring up the scary problems I face.  I can't just ruin her perfect little world with my issues.  For Yuka, boys have cooties.  Make up is a hassle.  Problems? What problems?  What's a career?  Money falls from the sky!  Tears only form when yawning or when she loses her  favourite hair-tie. 

But in 10 years, When I'm 28, and when she's 20, I think we can do all the things we see on TV.  The age gap will start to become irrelevant.  I can't wait! :)

Until then, I'll watch over her.  Make sure she doesn't get too hurt from the reality of the world.  Make fun of Justin Bieber. Make sure she becomes an awesome person.  Have a unique sisterly relationship.  Be known as "the cool older sister" amongst her friends. 

I think I might like it this way afterall.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summer, Don't Run Away From Me

I am more than my work and volunteer experiences.
I am more than the courses I have taken thus far.
I am more than my awards and marks received.
I am more than the fancy diction used.

On a side note,
Omg, why are there a billion Jersey Shore-esque TV shows coming up?
There's K-town, which is the Asian Jersey Shore.  I WANNA WATCH THAT! Heehee.
And there's also Lake Shore, which is the Torontonian Jersey Shore.  I WANNA WATCH THAT TOO.

Totally anticipating the future of Trash TV. :D  Forget Reality TV, it's all about the trash now! :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

In 20 Years, What Will I be Doing?

This past weekend, my dad went to the States for a high school (from China) reunion for all the past students from his year who are now oversea.  They all seem rather successful (apparently), and their sons and daughters pretty much all attend Ivy Leagues. (Harvard, Carnegie Mellon, Princeton...and on and on)  Typical Asian-American kids.


I can imagine their conversation when they prodded my father about me...

Them:  Yea, my kid goes to Harvard for Political Science**!  Where does your daughter attend?
Dad:  University of Waterloo.
Them: Water what?
Dad: Wah-tah-loo. Like, sui and ce suo!
Them:  ...I see, must be famous in Canada...? What does she study? 
Dad: Biotechnology and Chartered Accountancy.
Them:  What?! Why does she study such an odd combination?
Dad:  I don't really know... I think she likes science and business, and couldn't make up her mind.
Them:  I see...That's great...!  (but clearly not as great as MY child. MUAHAHAHA.)

** I hope his son becomes the first Asian-American to be the President of USA.  That would be the coolest thing ever.

I'm sorry daddy if I embarrassed you! 
And thank you for letting me study this.
And thank you for supporting me, albeit quietly.
I'll make you proud, I swear.
I say this here because I know I won't have to courage to say it to you directly.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8 More Work Days.

I feel like I worked my summer away.

I came home from Waterloo on a Friday.
Summer started.
I went job hunting on the following Monday.
I got a call from my current company that day.
I had the interview the next day.
I started work the next Monday.
Summer ended.
Monday to Friday.
9 to 5.

Though I didn't have a CRAZY summer that's worth turning into a TV show, I think I quite enjoyed it.  Hey, even though it's not TV-worthy, I think it's blog-worthy! :)

5 Interesting Things I Learned from Work
(unrelated to accounting)
Note:  I work at a local mall's main office, doing accounting stuff for the real estate company that owns several other malls too.  This mall happens to be the mall across the street from my high school.  The mall I've been going to since I was a young grasshopper!
  • People can get arrested from burning tissue paper.  Teenagers.  Please don't burn tissue paper in the food court! I know I know, it can get a bit chilly sometimes, especially during the winter months.  And the flame is so pretty, with its reds, oranges, and yellows.  And the fume! The musky sent of burnt tissue. MMMM... So aromatic! BUT NO. It will get you arrested for damaging public property.  And you will be the laughing stock of the student accountant who reads incident reports for fun. :) 
  • Of the 2 stores that sell glasses/sunglasses at around the same price, one of them sells fakes. TOP SECRET!  Gosh, it's one thing to sell fakes for like, $5 dollars, but it's a completely different story when they sell fakes for $300.  Caveat emptor!
  • Men should stay away from cologne.  Of the men who come to the office for whatever reason, 9 out of 10 of them take baths in cologne, I swear.  Just stay away from it if you don't know how to spritz it sparingly, and take baths in dihydrogen monoxide, a.k.a. water, please. 
  • The security guards are actually nice.  When you're out of highschool.  And is wearing business casual clothes.  Yes, I remember those days, back in highschool.  I hated the security guards! They'd give me so much attitude, even though I didn't do anything! (I've never even burnt tissue paper!)  But now, we can actually hold conversations, and they call me "Miss".
  • My taste in music happens to be considered "mall music".  As I work very hard at work, I'd listen to the music played in the mall.  OH HEY! I have that song! And that! And that!  Michael Buble, Corinne Bailey Rae, KT Tunstall, Norah Jones, Jason Mraz...<3

Monday, August 9, 2010

Must Keep My Eyes Open

I love coffee breaks at work.
It's funny how there're so many different way to drink your cup-of-Joe.  Honestly, they all taste the same to me (Medium roast? Dark roast? Columbian...What?) As long as it gets the job done, I'm quite content :D  In other words, it simply has to have enough caffeine it it to keep me awake!  (Lately, it's been getting harder and harder for me to keep my already-tiny-Asian-eyes to stay wide open during my 9-to-5 office job.  Coffee has been my saviour!)  With that being said, I don't understand people who order decaf.  What's the point? 

During exam week at school,  all I ordered was a Double-double from Tim Hortons.  So creamy, so sweet, so caffeinated.  Most importantly, it was generic and typical.  I've often wondered, to what extent of a detailed order would the lady behind the counter at Timmies accept?  How far can my dollar-something take me?  In the sea of stressed out students lining up for their much needed caffeine fix, I've only heard the occasional non-generic order once or twice.  The Yuayang (half coffee, half milk tea) sounds quite yum.  I should order it next exam season :)

Whenever I felt hopeless from number crunching for accounting, and memorizing countless bacteria,  coffee breaks always made my day a lot brighter and less bleak :)

The caffeine effect is amazing, isn't it? :D

Sunday, August 8, 2010

New Beginning.

It's been a while since I blogged.

By "a while", I mean 2 months.  But it was on another blog, Yaplog.  But as you can see, I've moved myself to Blogspot.   I keep telling myself, change is good, change is good!

But is it?

Hehe.  We'll see how long this blog will last for.  I'm enjoying Blogspot so far though! I love how it's connected to my Google account.  Lazy-old-me really appreciates this feature!

I thought it'd be a good idea to pick up blogging again, since September is rolling around the corner.  What does that lead to?  School.  New people.  Co-op. Oh co-op, you give me so much headache... I'd have to start job-searching within the first week of September.  That's pretty brutal...  (My resume is actually due this Friday.  Oh boy...)  This is really making me anxious.  Just by looking at the statistics from last year, my likelihood of landing myself a good co-op is rather slim...(I believe only 40% of the class got co-op in Chartered Accounting Training Offices)

Regardless.  I need to stay positive!

I will get a co-op.

I will get a good co-op.

I will get a good co-op in a CATO.

I will get a good co-op in a CATO that will allow me to pay for my $8000 a term tuition.

Here's to hoping! :)