Sunday, August 8, 2010

New Beginning.

It's been a while since I blogged.

By "a while", I mean 2 months.  But it was on another blog, Yaplog.  But as you can see, I've moved myself to Blogspot.   I keep telling myself, change is good, change is good!

But is it?

Hehe.  We'll see how long this blog will last for.  I'm enjoying Blogspot so far though! I love how it's connected to my Google account.  Lazy-old-me really appreciates this feature!

I thought it'd be a good idea to pick up blogging again, since September is rolling around the corner.  What does that lead to?  School.  New people.  Co-op. Oh co-op, you give me so much headache... I'd have to start job-searching within the first week of September.  That's pretty brutal...  (My resume is actually due this Friday.  Oh boy...)  This is really making me anxious.  Just by looking at the statistics from last year, my likelihood of landing myself a good co-op is rather slim...(I believe only 40% of the class got co-op in Chartered Accounting Training Offices)

Regardless.  I need to stay positive!

I will get a co-op.

I will get a good co-op.

I will get a good co-op in a CATO.

I will get a good co-op in a CATO that will allow me to pay for my $8000 a term tuition.

Here's to hoping! :)


  1. Well, if you went to Brock, first you'd have to be in the 50% that gets a co-op job....

  2. XD True say. But I don't think they pay an 8K tuition? (Do they? I'm just making assumptions :D)
